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Global IGF

Regional IGF

The Southern Africa Internet Governance Forum (SAIGF) is the sub-regional IGF and is convened by Southern African Development Community (SADC) faciliated and coordinated by SANGONET and other stakeholders. Most SADC Members States (9 out of 15) have established National Internet Governance Forums (NIGFs). The main objective of the sub-regional IGF is to provide a platform for an inclusive multilateral and multistakeholder discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in general and Internet Governance issues in particular.


The Southern Africa Internet Governance Forum (SAIGF) is inviting potential participants to submit proposals for its 2019 programme. The programme will include show casing achievements as best practices, hot topics, and workshop sessions in the SAIGF annual meeting on a specific Internet governance-related topic or question. Internet governance is defined as “the development and application by Governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision making procedures, and programmes that shape the evolution and use of the Internet.” The deadline is 30 June 2019. To submit proposals, click here.

National IGFs

National IGFs are organized by a multistakeholder organizing teams from different Members States of SADC. The overall objective of these National IGFs is to create a unique space where different stakeholders from the respective countries can discuss issues pertaining to the Internet, reflecting the need of their respective communities. It facilitates exchanges of the experiences and ideas between stakeholders from the countries and contributes to a better engagement of the mapped communities amongst themselves, but also with the SAIGF, AIGF and global IGF.

The table below shows the current record of the existing regional and national IGFs.

Country Link About the National IGF Latest Annual Meeting Latest Annual Meeting Report
Botswana The main objective of the National IGF is to provide a platform for an inclusive multilateral, multistakeholder and multilingual discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in general and Internet Governance issues in particular. 20 August 2011 National IGF Discussion Paper
Democratic Republic of Congo The main objective of the National IGF is to provide a platform for an inclusive multilateral, multistakeholder and multilingual discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in general and Internet Governance issues in particular. 11 - 13 December 2017, Kinshasa, DRC DRC IGF Annual 2017 Report (French language version). English language version available here.
Malawi The main objective of the National IGF is to provide a platform for an inclusive multilateral, multistakeholder and multilingual discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in general and Internet Governance issues in particular. 8th September 2017,Sunbird Capital Hotel, Lilongwe, Malawi N/A
Mauritius The main objective of the National IGF is to provide a platform for an inclusive multilateral, multistakeholder and multilingual discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in general and Internet Governance issues in particular. 16 - 17 August 2018, Port Louis, Mauritius Mauritius IGF Annual 2017 Report
Mozambique The main objective of the National IGF is to provide a platform for an inclusive multilateral, multistakeholder and multilingual discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in general and Internet Governance issues in particular. N/A N/A
Namibia The main objective of the National IGF is to provide a platform for an inclusive multilateral, multistakeholder and multilingual discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in general and Internet Governance issues in particular. 27 - 28 September 2017, Windhoek, Namibia Namibia IGF Annual 2017 Report
South Africa The main objective of the National IGF is to provide a platform for an inclusive multilateral, multistakeholder and multilingual discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in general and Internet Governance issues in particular. 16 - 17 October 2018, East London, South Africa N/A
Tanzania The main objective of the National IGF is to provide a platform for an inclusive multilateral, multistakeholder and multilingual discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in general and Internet Governance issues in particular. 9 - 13 July 2018 Tanzania IGF Annual 2018 Report
Zimbabwe The main objective of the National IGF is to provide a platform for an inclusive multilateral, multistakeholder and multilingual discussion on issues pertinent to the Internet in general and Internet Governance issues in particular. 8 - 9 October 2018 Zimbabwe IGF Annual 2017 Report